Marvel Universe Masterworks 18 inch Galactus Action Figure with Silver Surfer

Product Description

Doomed to hunger eternally for the energy locked within life-bearing planets, Galactus wanders the spaceways in his world ship. His body is filled to bursting with the infinite Power Cosmic – a power that grants him absolute control over the fundamental nature of the universe around him. The forces that rule the lives of lesser beings are meaningless to Galactus. For him, there is only the hunger he feels. Inhabited worlds across the universe live in constant fear of the day when the shadow of mighty Galactus darkens their skies, for it is on that day their world will end So it will be until the end of time, for Galactus will not be deterred, and he cannot be stopped He will consume world after world until the universe completes its cycle and collapses in upon itself Once a new universe is born out of the old, great Galactus will rise, and feed again. A small fragment of his vast might has been granted to the Silver Surfer – greatest of his heralds Once a man like any other on his home planet of Zenn-La, the Silver Surfer sacrificed his humanity to save his world His mind and body changed forever by the power he now wields, he serves Galactus absolutely and without question Together, herald and master are a force of nature, undeniable and inevitable. This gargantuan warrior not only looks fierce with his massive size and cosmic lights, he sounds impressive too — when you press the button, he says phrases like “Tremble at the might of the Power Cosmic” and “I am the devourer of worlds” It’s up to your Silver Surfer figure to try to stop this huge villain from “destroying the world” Will he succeed? Set up the battle and find out. 18" Galactus includes sound
Manufactured by Hasbro